Found this awesome community
mission101 and I decided to do it in place of "New Year's Resolutions" that I'll never remember or complete anyway.
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Cross them off as you do them, and add the dates. Include the date you started the list and the finishing date.
These goals are subject to change based on my own discretion - they're my goals, so my rules! Also the date I chose to start is 1/1/11, but I change it to earlier if I complete a goal before then.
From date: Saturday, January 1, 2011
Resulting date: Saturday, September 28, 2013
101 Goals:
1. Have my first real kiss
2. Talk to a stranger/flirt with them
3. Try swing dancing to meet guys (with Julianna)
4. Leave my phone number for a waiter
5. Apply to at least 5 grad schools
6. Get accepted into at least one graduate school
7. Get all A’s in a semester
8. Graduate with at least a 3.8 GPA (or whatever's required for Summa Cum Laude)
9. Join a new club on campus
10. Watch all of the movies currently on my “must watch” list
11. Finish all of the books I’ve started/bought recently
12. Read 100 new (meaning not previously started) books (0/100)
13. Watch 50 new movies and rate them
2)Black Swan
14. Watch one full season of Supernatural
15. Read an entire manga series from start to finish (at least 10 books)
16. Read all the fanfics on my “fics to read” list
17. Borrow and watch 5 “classic” movies from the library (0/5)
18. Play 5 new video games (0/5)
19. Visit the Grand Canyon
20. Visit Canada
21. Take a roadtrip with high school friend(s)
22. Attend at least 3 concerts (0/3)
23. Go cosmic bowling with friends
24. Host a party at my condo - open invitation
25. Attend a convention
26. Stay a night in a local hotel
27. Have a girls night going clubbing
28. Ride on a motorcycle
29. Perform karaoke in public
30. See a live musical that I’ve never seen before
31. Learn a new card game
32. Do a professional photoshoot
33. Go to the Renaissance Fair (with someone new)
34. Go to the State Fair
35. Try 10 new restaurants (0/10)
36. Try 3 new types of sushi (0/3)
37. Learn how to cook one complete meal
38. Go without eating ramen for 3 months
39. Go to hockey games in at least 2 new arenas
40. Go to baseball games in at least 2 new ballparks
41. Attend a professional football game
42. Attend an ASU lacrosse game
43. Attend an ASU hockey game
44. Attend an ASU baseball game
45. Attend the ASU/UofA rivalry football game
46. Get my picture taken with Jovo :)
47. Get a professional hockey stick (preferably signed)
48. Get a jersey for a team that’s not the Coyotes
49. Make a hockey related collage
50. Introduce 3 new people to hockey (0/3)
51. Take a walk at least twice a week
52. Go ice skating on a regular basis (6 times/year)
53. Get my teeth fillings
54. Give up soda for 5 days
55. Hike Camelback mountain
56. Go horseback riding
57. Take a hip-hop dancing class
58. Brush and floss my teeth every day for a month
59. Clean out all the songs in my iTunes that I don’t like/don’t listen to
60. Get a display case to organize all of my sports memorabilia
61. Offer to clean my mom’s house for a day, and do any tasks that she asks
62. Reorganize my closet
63. Keep the kitchen sink completely clean for a week
64. Re-do my LJ interests
65. Get a pedicure
66. Get my eyebrows threaded
67. Lose 10 pounds (starting weight: 175 pounds)
68. Wear makeup every day for a month
69. Get a bikini wax
70. Buy a bikini and wear it in public
71. Buy a pair of high-heeled shoes and wear them
72. Buy a set of sexy lingerie
73. Maintain $1000 in savings
74. Keep track of all the money I spend for a week
75. Write an original story of significant length
76. Write a het fanfic
77. Submit a poem to a publication
78. Make a list of 100 things I’m grateful for
79. Write a hand-written letter to 5 of my friends (0/5)
80. Write a time-capsule to myself and not open it for 5 years
81. Write a description of every completed task in my LJ
82. Change my LJ username
83. Get a job, any job
84. Get another tattoo
85. Get a new piercing
86. Attend Friday night services regularly (0/20)
87. Take one new person to the Canadian picnic (each time)
88. See an “adult” show OR go to strip club
89. Get at least 10 autographs (0/10)
90. Try 5 new types of liquor/drinks (0/5)
91. Complete a ‘hard/evil’ Sudoku puzzle (no cheating!)
92. Take a photo of myself every day for a month
93. Buy my stepdad a Canadian flag
94. Meet 3 of my LJ or Twitter friends in person (0/3)
95. Learn 10 new words/phrases in Swedish (0/10)
96. Keep track of everything I do for a day and make a vlog about it
97. Volunteer for at least one organization
98. Donate blood
99. Sign a petition (for something I care about)
100. Memorize all the lyrics to an Eminem album
101. Convince another person to join Mission101, and help them with as many of their goals as I can.