Meme Oh Meme

Sep 15, 2010 15:52

You don't know how much of a miracle it is that I'm posting this right now... I dropped my laptop today and the piece by the power button broke. it's barely hanging on by a thread right now. ;___;

Two Memes!

First one:

REPLY TO THIS WITH a random word and I will give you four fandoms and you tl;dr about your favorite character from each fandom!

caruso gave me...



I know, you're totally unsurprised right? BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. I looove him. As far as I remember, he was my first favorite player when I started really getting into hockey. I love his toughness and obvious passion for the game and his leadership. (On a completely shallow note, if you must know, I love his face and his eyes and his voice, oh god). Fandom wise, he's a fairly easy character for me to write. As far as real Jovo goes, it helps that I find his wife to be awesome and his kids are beautiful. The day he leaves this team will be a sad day for me indeed D: I'LL DEFEND JOVO TO THE DEATH. If any bitches want to complain and whine to me about his huge contract, go ahead. Because I bet you anything without Jovo we wouldn't be nearly as good of a team.


Stephen Drew (also unoriginal)

HE'S SUCH A DORK, GUYS. Like, seriously. and sometimes I think he needs some special help. HE'S CAMERA SHY. And just... in general seems very shy. But it's one of the reasons I love him so. Because, y'know, I can relate and all that. Anywho, he's pretty much the one baseball player that I actually follow and like to learn stuff about. And surprisingly, it doesn't bother me that he's a country music loving southern religious hick. Because it's Stephen. And he's just so adorkable <3 Oh, he's also a damn good shortstop. One of the best in the game. Does he fuck up sometimes? Sure. Does he have 0 for 5 games? Definitely. BUT HE'S STILL A GREAT BASEBALL PLAYER. I'll probably legit cry the day we trade him... just thinking about it kills me.



(there are very few good pics of Ari and that makes me sad ;__;)
I thought it would take me a while to choose, but in the end it only took a couple seconds. BECAUSE ARIADNE IS A BAMF. Come on, you know it's true. I think the reason I personally connect to her so much is because of her constant use of psychoanalysis, and the fact that I love psychology and psych is basically what I do. ANYWAY. I love her curiosity and her intelligence and her mad architecture skills. and amazingly, even being like the one female lead amongst a group of guys, she still manages to not be a total Mary Sue character. SHE'S JUST AMAZING. I'd easily say she's one of my fave, if not my top fave, female characters of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It's always been Spike.

He's so badass. But I think beyond all the crap and "evil", I love him for loving with his whole heart, so much so that he would fight for his soul for the person he loves. Pre-soul, he's so sarcastic and tough on the outside, but on the inside he's such a huge softy who loves Buffy and takes care of Dawn and will even help Buffy's friends. Because deep down, he really does care. But he never loses that outside Badass. DID I MENTION SPIKE IS SEXY? And I like sexy people. ;)

Number two:

1. Reply to this meme by asking me for five words and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
2.Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.
3. Keep in mind that if I don't know you that well, your words might end up kind of odd or weird. If I do know you, your words will probably be weird.

epicflailer gave me...


(Here, have a picture of this fucking sexy GQMF)

Cobbbb ♥ I should start this by saying I love Cobb because of his imperfection, not because he's perfect. I love his fierce loyalty, and his protectiveness (like, the entire time he's talking Robert through the dream I'm just like ♥____♥), and his devotion to his kids. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY MORE PEOPLE DON'T LOVE HIM. he's almost like the red (blonde?)-headed step child of the movie. but IDGAF, he's the main fucking star and I find Leo as Cobb incredibly FUCKING SEXY (whereas Leo in general I'm not quite as turned on by). But I wish I had the DVD already so I could watch the first 10 minutes of the movie over and over again. BECAUSE COBB BEING ALL BAD ASS PUTTING HIS SILENCER ON HIS GUN AND CLIMBING WALLS AND SHIT makes me melt. so there you go.

But the biggest reason I love Cobb: HE'S THE BOSS.

image Click to view

Writing is my passion. My hobby. The one activity I really fucking enjoy and love with all my heart. Mostly I just write fanfiction, but I love it so much. I truly enjoy writing for others, and any time I get positive feedback it just makes my fucking day. I'm still not at the level of writing I want to be at, nowhere close. But I'm going to keep writing and keep trying until I reach the peak of my potential. It helps that I have 3 Big Bangs in the works, and I'm currently working on the longest piece I've ever done (my Inception Bang is at 17,300 words right now). And I may even try to do Nano again this year. So yes. Exciting writing projects are in the works!

My friends mean the world to me. I hope they all know how much I appreciate them and care about them. THAT INCLUDES MY ONLINE FRIENDS, TOO. I love each and every one of you. Thank you for putting up with my inane ramblings and my numerous varied obsessions and my ranting. really, THANK YOU. Thank you for doing silly things like going with me to see Inception for my 4th time for my birthday. Thank you for going to baseball and hockey games with me. Thank you for putting up with me ;)

your (lj) username
gah, my username is silly and unoriginal. Missy is a nickname from a long time ago, that no one actually ever really called me. My stepmom calls me Missy sometimes, and a girl I'm not even friends with anymore used to call me Missy. But that's about it. I kind of wish more people used the nickname for me, because it would make my online username a little more practical, heh. The numbers are just random and have no meaning. Besides the fact that I love the sound of it when I say '7280'. It rolls off the tongue, and it's easy for me to remember. Ironically, I've actually been seriously thinking about changing my LJ name recently. I think I've gotten past the whole 'missy7280' thing. I'm going to pick some username that represents me moving into my future.

oh how I wish this series didn't exist. (fu, Meyer!!) I do not want your 500+ page Mary Sue psycho wet dream, Ms. Meyer. I'll pass. I tried getting through the books (for the purpose of mocking) but only made if half-way through Eclipse (I'm surprised I made it that far). Never will I pick up those books again. I even tried to watch the movie. I ended up fast-forward through huge chunks of it, being bored out of my mind. I want those 2 hours of my life back. Plus all the time I spent on reading the first 2 books. Or how much of my life has been wasted hearing others fangirl about these atrocious books. (Even if the plot was decent, man is the writing HORRIBLE). Oh, but one thing Twilight is good for, it does bring the LULZ.

inception, hockey, baseball, not enough tags, the most interesting man in the world, memes, buffy the vampire slayer, cobb is a sexy bamf, twilight, jovo, stephen drew, picspam

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