I don't think anyone will actually be over here from
house_spoiler, but whatever my flist is good enough.
So basically I'm asking this because of the NEVERENDING amount of "Oh no more 13, I hate 13, oh I hope she drops dead, poor me too much 13, BLAHBLAHBLAH."
WHY DO YOU HATE 13? Besides "she has too much screentime". That one I can see, I guess, so it's a moot point, whatever. Because if you're like me and you love 13, you don't mind the screentime she gets. So forget that. I want an honest, well thought-out, reasonable answer why you FUCKING HATE 13 AND WANT HER TO DIE so badly. She is a character on a tv show. A strong, intelligent, witty, takes-no-bullshit woman. If for some reason you don't like those qualities, I'm thinking either you're completely insane so I'll give you a pass, or you just hate women. So what is it? WHY do you hate 13? If you can make me understand and see the light, then I will let it go, ignore every comment I read in house_spoiler and anywhere else. So here's your chance (though I doubt it will work, MUAUAHAHA).
EDIT: Now everyone's shitting their pants with joy because Amber may come back in a flashback. Give me a break. I mean, I would enjoy seeing Amber again don't get me wrong, but the complete worship of her by House fandom just throws me for a loop.