Fanfic Request Post

Jan 05, 2009 11:21

Meme-snagging from camatie. I'm doing the writing meme version. This will help my New Year's goal to write more, I think.

1. You can pick up to five fandoms. This is more of a guideline, if you feel you can do more you can but don't overwhelm yourself, haha.
2. Pick as many ships as you'd like, that's what this whole thing is about so GO NUTS.
3. There is no time limit.
4. Try and vary your selection. [IE: Hetero, slash, fem-slash, threesomes] You don't have to go and pick something you don't like, but if you might like it, try it. It may become your OTP.
5. There is no restriction with what scene it could be. They could be standing next to each other, they could be kissing, making out, having sex, just have them interact romantically somehow. [Hello? It's a pairing, lol.]
6. If you are a writer, apply the same rules and just write drabbles or one-shots. :)


1. House
-House/Wilson [Include House's ball, red cup, Wilson as the bitch, and 13 catching them in the act] for ley_is_eclipse
-Cuddy/Thirteen [Cuddy takes 13 shopping for clothes to cheer her up, and more] for ley_is_eclipse
-Foreman/Thirteen [She's dying, he's fucked up, but they are OTP] for theyreforrachel

2. Red vs. Blue
-Wash/Church [Wash proving that Church isn't as much of a ghost as Church thinks he is] for ley_is_eclipse

3. Baseball
-Drew/Reynolds [Emo Mark before he is with Stephen, with the song "About A Girl"] for ley_is_eclipse
-Byrnes/Jackson [Domestic, baseball, making out like goofballs; I got it XD] for cinderlily
-Snyder & Reynolds [They celebrate Chris' toughness after his injury] for ley_is_eclipse

4. Panic!
-Ryan/Brendon [Brendon is playing piano when Ryan... interrupts] for ley_is_eclipse
-Ryan/Stephen Drew [Crack!Pairing FTW!] for me and Ley XD

Eh... that's all I feel like making myself do. I might as well make this a fic request post as well, though. So, either give me a prompt for one of these pairings that you'd like me to write, or give me a totally different fandom/pairing (that I know of) with a prompt.

memes, requests, writing

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