It's 11:30 on Wednesday night. So guess what's under the cut?
Okay. Why do the credits keep saying "Michelle Rodriguez" WHEN SHE'S NOT EVEN IN IT!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!! STOP TEASING ME DAMNIT!!!
I was wrong **facepalm** Dumbest. Line. EVER!!! **facepalm**facepalm**facepalm** Locke, you friggin' idiot! You saw what happened that time the countdown went to zero when Jack was forcing you to open the door while "Henry Gale" was being tortured. You knew something was going to happen. GGAAAAHHH!!!
See you in another life, brother AW!!! Totally starting to have a soft spot for Desmond. First, he's kinda cute. Plus, omg, teh accent! And now we know how Libby went crazy. Or just extremely depressed. Both can be very dangerous. I have a feeling Desmond's going to be one of my new favourite characters. I can't remember....what was the name of Penelope's father? Was his last name Hanso? Probably not, as Desmond would have recognized it, but I have the episode on TiVo still, and I'll probably check it tomorrow. Just, you know, if I could get the info sooner rather than later, that'd be cool. But yeah, Desmond and his girl Pen and her dad totally plays into it, I'm sure.
922004 System Failure Yeah, who else saw that coming a mile away? That the mind game was being played on the people in the Pearl hatch. And that it was the magnet was what made the plane crash? Seriously, it's getting really predictable lately.
DAD! They weren't trying to hide the fact that Malcolm David Kelly is two years older rather than two months. No, not at all. Nope, nope, nope. And Michael, just so you know, I hope your death is slow and painful. Because you deserve it. Preferably by Sawyer beating you senseless for killing the love of his life, Ana Lucia Cortéz. Because you could so totally see it in James Ford's face that he wanted to.
We're the good guys So Henry is the ring leader. Guess I shoulda seen that one coming. No wonder he was complimenting himself so much when he was talking to Locke in "Two for the Road." But why the hell did he put Hurley through all that? There was no need! Unless, of course, the writers were just fulfilling Jorge Garcia's contract. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Hugo Reyes. But him being on the list and Michael pushing him to come with them seemed like a thinly veiled attempt to keep a major character in the episode somehow. As for the other three of the four on the list, I'm still holding out that Kate will get it. Slow and painful for her, too. WITHOUT getting laid. By ANYONE! Jack, too, kinda sorta. I want him to live because he's Teh Doctor! But as far as he goes as a character, I really don't give a shit. In fact, he's pretty irritating. The people back at camp listen to Hurley and don't bother with going after Kate and Jack. And the beach will be so much quieter and more peaceful for it. Tom 'n' 'em do in Kate and Jack, and Sawyer manages to get away. Where he finds a magically restored Ana Lucia. Because, you know, she wasn't dead, Kate was lying about that, and Teh Magical Island o' Mystery restored our Ana Lucia. Yep, that's how it's going to go down next season.
Bollocks! AW CHARLIEEEEEE!!!! My fangirliness in him has totally been restored! I was so afraid they were going to kill him in that blast. Seriously, I was all "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOTCHARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" At least there were other people in the room to hear my fangirling this time. Mom and Dad to be specific. And shortly after that, there was a preview for X3. And I started fan-girling all over again. Or was it Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest? Maybe it was both.
>:| this means teh hatch is ANGRY!!!!! I wish these people would fucking talk to each other. They're all keeping their damned secrets, and they're all suffering for it. GAH!!!
So now, to keep the withdrawal at bay until September (October?), I've got a few Lost-related stuff up my sleeve. First, I'm trying to put together an Ana Lucia fanmix. While getting that together, I started formulating a Sawyer/Ana Lucia fanmix as well. So if anyone has any songs that remind you of her, or of the two of them, please send them along, I'd be very grateful!
And now, for some funnies:
Sawyer Flash SongLlama Flash Song Parody Even if you're not a Lost fan, they're pretty amusing! Oh, and be sure to watch them in that order. Otherwise, the second one won't make sense.
And now for a chapter of Sawyer/Ana fic. I've got a few on my favourites list on
my ff.n account. And yes, just one chapter, because the story was only just updated today. I can't go any further than one chapter. Unfortunately.
♥ missy42