Title: Into the Airwaves
missy42Rating: PG
Show: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
ob_fangrrl's Camera Phone Challenge
Disclaimer: I only wish I owned. As it is, they seem to own me.
Words: 99 (omg, I kept it under 100!)
thiscanbegin (who also came up with the title)
Summary: My first Drabble. Honestly, I'm amazed I kept it under 100 words. Usually I'm very wordy.
It had arrived with her Mr. Softee ringtone, a sound she hadn't dared to hope for anytime soon. But there it was a simple picture, and she could not stop staring at it for fear it would stop staring back at her from her camera phone.
It was a picture of a plane ticket. One-way from Nebraska to New York for one Emily Roth. Some might scold her for how dangerous it was for her to have this picture, but Olivia would not give it up for the world, because she knew what it meant.
Alex was coming home.
x-posted to:
ob_fangrrl &
my own journal