(no subject)

Jul 16, 2004 11:40

Oh wow.

A5angel2 [11:17 AM]: if the world were comprised solely of walruses, there would be no Q
A5angel2 [11:17 AM]: Q would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:18 AM]: Wow.. interesting.
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: X would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: my computer would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: my toe would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: my mad pimp bracelet.. it would be a walrus too
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:18 AM]: Good point.
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: EVERYTHING would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:18 AM]: if the world were comprised solely of walruses
A5angel2 [11:19 AM]: the earth would be a walrus.
A5angel2 [11:19 AM]: that grain of sand would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:19 AM]: Ah, but that's impropable...
A5angel2 [11:19 AM]: salt shakers would all be walruses
A5angel2 [11:19 AM]: indeed.. but not impossible
A5angel2 [11:20 AM]: nothing is impossible.. impossible is nothing
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:20 AM]: I know.
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:20 AM]: It's just a big word thrown around by small men or something like that..
A5angel2 [11:20 AM]: although it is Highly Unlikely that every toaster, fern, and speach bubble were to turn into a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:20 AM]: See, but here's my arguement:
A5angel2 [11:21 AM]: impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it
A5angel2 [11:21 AM]: impossible is not a fact. it's an opinion
A5angel2 [11:21 AM]: impossible is not a declaration. it's a dare. impossible is potential. impossible is temporary. impossible is nothing."
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:21 AM]: Then walruses would be cannibals and then would eat other walruses... and when it came out the other end, it would naturally be poo, not walruses.
A5angel2 [11:21 AM]: no, the poo would be a walrus, too
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:22 AM]: Highly Impropable.
A5angel2 [11:22 AM]: *nods head*
A5angel2 [11:22 AM]: but, that's the way it would be if the world were comprised solely of walruses
A5angel2 [11:22 AM]: there could be nothing else
A5angel2 [11:22 AM]: not even adjectives
A5angel2 [11:22 AM]: adjectives would be walruses, as well\
A5angel2 [11:23 AM]: there could be no sound
A5angel2 [11:23 AM]: sound would = walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:23 AM]: Impropable. Gravity would be walruses. Air would be walruses.
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:23 AM]: They couldn't survive.
A5angel2 [11:23 AM]: water would be walruses
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:23 AM]: And they'd die.
A5angel2 [11:23 AM]: survival would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:24 AM]: death would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:24 AM]: Ah. Good points.
A5angel2 [11:24 AM]: the word "karma" would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:24 AM]: all kiwis would be walruses
A5angel2 [11:24 AM]: EVERYTHING = walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:24 AM]: Donald Trump would be a walrus..
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: :D
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: but school, too, would be a walrus :(
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:25 AM]: Yes... true.
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: hahaha, nick would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:25 AM]: So would you!
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: you'd be a walrus as well
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: my mommy would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:25 AM]: No, I wouldn't be a walrus.
A5angel2 [11:25 AM]: the surgeon would be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:25 AM]: Cos I'm special.
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: yes, you would be a walrus, if the world were comprised SOLELY of walruses
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: there would be nothing else
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: but walruses
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:26 AM]: No, I would be a normal person.
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: they're the SOLE component of the world
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: no, you'd be a walrus.
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:26 AM]: But the world would be a walrus...
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: a Special walrus
A5angel2 [11:26 AM]: but still a walrus
A5angel2 [11:27 AM]: good point.
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:28 AM]: Um.. may I ask.. how would everything go about being turned into walruses?
A5angel2 [11:28 AM]: maaaaaaaaagic
A5angel2 [11:28 AM]: and it wouldn't be turned into a walrus
A5angel2 [11:28 AM]: it just would Be a walrus
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:32 AM]: What would cause this change?
A5angel2 [11:32 AM]: a walrus
A5angel2 [11:33 AM]: of course
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:36 AM]: I sstill don't believe I understand that.
A5angel2 [11:37 AM]: well, the cause would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:37 AM]: because EVERYTHING would be a walrus
A5angel2 [11:37 AM]: if the world were comprised soley of walruses
HardcoreGeek2901 [11:38 AM]: Okay.
A5angel2 [11:39 AM]: :)
A5angel2 [11:39 AM]: would-be-walrus is on
A5angel2 [11:39 AM]: yaaaaaaay
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