For the Love of Ambien and Vampires...

Nov 25, 2007 10:33

Jeez, I need some sleep...i haven't slept much at all for over three months now...funny, i had no idea a person could go so long without sleep...every now and then i'll crash without warning for ten hours...which seems to be enough to get me through for another couple weeks...maybe sleeping is overrated?  i seem to only have bad dreams or nightmares when i do sleep lately...

when i was a little girl, i used to have a recurring dream about a vampire who would steal me from my bedroom in the the dream i'd wake to find myself on a stone altar in a cave wearing a flowy white dress...the vampire would murmur to me, kissing me and stroking my arms or neck...and then he'd bite me...i swear i could feel it in real hurt but i wanted it, you know?...i used to have this dream two or three times a week...couldn't have been more than seven at the time...but i didn't think of it as a bad dream..AT ALL...i looked forward to that bite like a thirsty person looks forward to much build up to the bite...sensual tension...and then the sensation of being felt like being rescued...don't think i even realized how sexual it was until much later...after my vampire started coming to me less and less regularly...damn, i miss him...

so where the hell are the dreams like that anymore???  instead these days i dream about things like betrayal and rejection and slaughter and the patriot act and bad hair days...i hate bad hair days...

ever had that dream where you're at high school (always high school) and the bell rings and either you can't remember where your classes are or you get there and you haven't done your homework or there's a test and you're clueless?...hell, send me THAT dream...i can bullshit my way through that dream...

the few times i have taken my ambien it makes me loopy in, like, twenty minutes...but then i fight it anyway...last time i took it at 11pm, wasted off my ass by 11:20 and stayed up til 7 in the morning anyway...

ahhh...the things a girl will do to not have a bad dream...

bartender, i'll have a vampire with an ambien chaser...

insomnia, ambien, vampires, sleep

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