Aug 31, 2007 16:06
Hola! I figured I should post something here.
It felt obligatory seeing as how I have an LJ.....
Dude...totally went to the state fair! Shit was AWESOME!!!
Dude, that shit was AWESOME! Alana Grace and the All American Rejects were there and ho-ly crap that was amazing!
That was the first concert I'd ever been to! I know, I'm 16 and I've never been to a concert. Well, I'm poor! Get off my back! LOL. This concert was free, though, and even though it was like a million effing degrees it was so worth it!
I'd never sweat and jumped around so much in my entire life! I don't plan on speaking for a week after that! My voice is GONE! ;)
Tyson, the lead singer of AAR, is hilarious! He was like "HEYLOOOO! Yeah, we've been to Sacramento more than enough times to call it what you guys call it right? Chritchtown or Sactomenta or the best effing city in Cali? What do you guys call it?!" and the audience (including me and my two best friends) shouted "SAC-TO!" And somehow he heard "Cramento" so the whole concert he was calling us "Cramento!" It was awesome!
And he also has a weird fettish for funnel cakes and pies...yeah...wierd. He was like "So! Has anyone won a blue ribbon for the pie eating?" and some people wooted and stuff, and he said "Which won? The apple or the blueberry?" and it was dead silent, so my Kayla shouted "APPLE!" and he was like "Always with the fuckin' apple! It's always the apple!"
And he was like "I want to thank this amazing sign language lady because that's fucking cool and I don't know how she does it! Can you tell all the people that they're fucking awesome for being here and then say 'The fair is awesome' because you can't say it!" LOL.
There were so many fun quotes, so I'll post them like this:
"Alright. I'm seeing a lot of people just standing around here! I've seen it! So, if you guys don't get up and dance around I'll just stand here and play. So get off your ass, THAT MEANS YOU MOM!, or I'll be watching your ass- and I don't mean your ass because who likes mom ass? Unless they take care of it, they keep it well tamed and taut. I'm just kidding, Jesus Christ!"
"*takes a water bottle and opens it* You guys, check this out. *pours water into River (the stage was set over a river)* I'm watering the water! You know, this is the first venue we've played with a moat! Seriously, we got paranas and shit in there! Angry paranas and shit!....I mean, do we really need this baracade? Come on down here! *waits* I said 'COME ON'!"
Well, I had a rather swell time! LOL.