Sep 01, 2005 21:54
Last night I was in one of those "Im-bored-I-wanna-do-something-but-I-don't-know-where-I-wanna-go-moods" so, of course, I ended up at the mall. I stopped in Ny & Co, only to find the exact people I wasn't looking for. No Jess, Shannon, or Tina. Just Dani and some other chick. I was bummed, but it turned out to be for the better, because while i was at the mall, I found a beautiful lil sumpin'-sumpin' for my homedog Shannon's birthday! I was just kinda moseying around and I stumbled upon something perfect. I thought she'd love it - its SO her. Anyway, its good she wasn't working, cause I probably would have showed her.
Anyway, So, class this week is okay so far, I have my last class tomorrow morning at 8am - ewww... I sucks cause I vowed to myself that I wouldnt never take another 8am class. They are just so easy to say "I'm tired, I'll go next week-" to. Oye. I'm really gonna have to push myself. I'm just going to have to stop by Starbucks every morning to injest my energy and will to go.
My god, its September 1st - can you believe Christmas is in three short months?!?!? Lordy that doesnt sound real. Good thing I've already started my shopping. Its just too soon.