i really enjoy NOT updating my lj because that takes work, which i don't like to do. ever. guess i really must love you all or something. so here it is, my bitches. and whores. and hoes. and prudes:
Hi, I'm Eman. And I'm Sami! And we will be your seducers to-night...
And I'm Tim, your MALE seducer for the night! you want IN on this, come join the party!! ha-ha!
Cristina: Tim, its a dance, not a party. Tim: (not listening. Choir of crickets enter stage-left.)
(in british accent): Lits go to werk. Cha cha now, yoll.
3dD's: Do, Dat, and Dough. let's have a ball!
heyyyyyyyy jordan nice threads (liiiiiiiittlebittywink cause his gf's taping).
that's what i call front and center, thanks!
Sami proves the music is danceable, but Cristina is worried; what if she "breaks it?"
hey guess what? this is me NOT CARING.
Adam: your mind says "no" but your heart says "YES YES YESSSSSSSS!!!"
Seducer-squad's second victim of the night (the first being you).
On break. can't dance all the time yall. Kasey made out with 525.7 boys on this night.
IS YOU FOR REAL!? yes Eman, I'm afraid so.
"OK" OR "KO?" Sami, just WHAT is your hand doing in there, huh? HUH? perv. as you can see, julie is apalled.
how silly.
el fin.