Aug 15, 2009 01:09
I'm in the middle of sorting through my stuff. I've managed to get through my entire room, bathroom, and other belongings and only have 2 laundry baskets, 2 bags, and a box to sort through. I'm proud of myself for getting it done so quickly.
I am scheduled to take my state board on september 14th. I packed my bag for the test today. It's the practical exam, meaning I have to perform basic services on the mannequin head and hand. Cutting, styling, perms, etc. Blah. We're required to bring our own materials and it all has to be put in seperate bags just so. They're so damn picky, so I made sure to get everything carefully labeled so I don't have any problems when I get there. That's out of the way and I don't have to worry about it for another month. Wee!
I'll be sitting around on my ass, sorting through the rest of my stuff tomorrow. My step mom and step brother have hair cuts Sunday, a lady that used to come to me for cuts at school is getting a cut Monday night, and Wednesday I'm getting my god-awful roots done. Sheesh.
I'm doing Ashley's hair that night too. Oh, and during the day I'll be getting my car inspected for hail damage from July. My insurance guy says most people are getting LOTS (i.e. 2 grand or more) of money for repair costs, so that's good news for me. If I can at least swindle 925 dollars out of them, I can pay off my car!! Any more and I'll probably just sit on it, so I have a cushion for the pending apartment Lili is getting.
Its a big messy situation, if there ever was one. I personally think we rushed into moving, but maybe I just feel rushed because there's so much to do. I finished school June 20 and we left Kansas on July 13. I was in the Houston/Beaumont area until August 12, doing absolutely nothing but worry about my state board. OH and that's another story completely. Turns out the woman in the office I'd been having problems with the majority of my time in school sent in the wrong paperwork for Ashley and myself. Just us two. The entire rest of my class didn't have any problems. I guess state board issued new forms that needed to be notarized before being sent in, and they issued them back in APRIL. This woman admitted to messing up once before, but "its ok" she said, "because state board will be lenient and process our forms faster due to the mix up".
Well they didn't.
In fact, they didn't do much of anything. I had to call them to find out what had happened. No one called me to let me know that, hey, my paperwork wasn't in and it wouldn't be til I went back to the school and signed new forms. I wasn't about to drive 10 and a half hours just so I could sign a piece of paper. So the office lady instructed me on how to get the forms myself, and I was in charge of getting them filled out, notarized, and faxed in (at a costly price, I'll tell you what..). In the middle of all of this, I'm calling state board to make sure I'm doing it right. Of course, I'm not, and I was told I couldn't fax anything in. The lady in the office at school told me she had spoken with someone personally and they said I could fax it in to save time. I was getting two stories, back and forth, in the middle of the process, yada yada. It pissed me off to no end, mostly because the office lady wouldn't admit that she'd done anything wrong and didn't apologize.
Long story short, it took me three weeks to get it all settled. My temporary license is en route, and I should have it by Monday. For all the good it's going to do me...
So anyway, back to Texas.
Lili starts school the 20th and I knew she had to be down there (duh) but I didn't realize she was going to school at 8 in the morning. She's staying with a friend quite a distance from the school and will probably end up waking up at 5 just so she can get there by 8. We are both on unemployment from the post office, and hers runs out this month. She can get a job at the school, but probably not enough to cover all the bills she has. I'm just hoping she can hold off on the apartment, at least for another couple of weeks, because once September 14th rolls around and I pass my test...
I can go back, get a job, and all will be well. Transferring licenses is easy, I just have to make a phone call and fill out a form (by MYSELF, no help needed from Office Lady, thank you).
If you need a haircut, I'm charging 20 dollars. I'll come to you :)
I need to save up some cash, so hit me the FUCK UP.