But I’m homesick in a nice way, not a painful way. Like I know you are over the other side of the world still being you and I will get to see you in a year or two and you will be the same and everything will be party tine. Isindit?? :P
Adrian has officially left me!!! For those of you who haven't heard, he's moved down to Portsmouth as of Sunday 25th June for a new job. For those of you who know him, I'll leave it to him to fill you in on the details of his departure from Newcastle... apart from the fact that I ended up going on an impromptu road trip to Birmingham with him as he hired a rental car to move down there and was just a tad nervous about driving in Britain by himself. As soon as we rocked up in Birmingham and met his friends we then drove with them to Leicester for dinner. Imagine driving to another city just to have dinner! [Things you can’t do in Australia no. 12].
Anyway… Adrian’s leaving marks the first time I am completely sans friends from home in the city where I am currently residing. This has caused somewhat of a re-visitation for me on the reasons (cf. list below :P) I came overseas. Truth be told, I spent the 2 weeks before he left freaking out. You all know what a social person I am, so it’s been an interesting time for me. I usually find though, that when something’s about to happen I panic about it in a major way, but when it actually happens I find it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. So now that he’s left I find I am doing okay…
Table 1.0
Reasons Anthea went overseas:
- To meet people from different cultures
- To see different countries and check out how different thousands of years of accumulated history makes a city feel (not that different)
- To party in different countries
- To prove to myself that I can cope on my own without all the things I rely on so heavily back home - my amazing friends, relationships, family, job, car, house, stability etc etc… and still have a good time! To create my own adventures I guess.
- To rid myself of FOMO and unrealistic expectations.
Obviously the last two are the toughest and the ones I freak out about quite regularly and to ridiculous levels. Deciding to do something for your own betterment is easy, actually experiencing the effects of said decision is quite a different things. But I guess I just gotta take it a day at a time.