May 09, 2006 15:52
Okay, so today Nancy Sue and I had one of the greatest option periods ever. I promised that I would post what we did here. Okay, so we were trying to guess who was the person who caused the bus crash on VM. So, here's our list. Even if you don't know these people, it's hilarious.
Lilly Kane: yeah, not really, but I swear
Bus Driver: maybe maybe not
Terrence Cook: desperate gambler
Don Lamb: IT'S LEGAL!!!
Madison Sinclair: Because whore had too many letters
Woody Goodman: because you're a SICK BASTARD!!! GROSS you touch little children and hot boys arms
Deputy Sacks: because your hot mustache
Curly Moran: because you're buddy buddy with Aaron
Aaron Echolls: because you must go down
Kendall Casablancas: GOLD DIGGER!!! Sing it with me, Kanye!
Big Dick: because look at the name
Dick Casablancas: because I believe in you; it's not me, it's Woo; I just don't know how to quit you
Lucky: you're a little creepy
Corny: because it's all in the butter
Alicia Fennel: because you've been suspiciously absent
Duncan Kane: I'm not sure, I just don't like you
Fitzpatricks: ALL of them----GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
Thumper: because you think you're so badass, but it all comes down to your
Weevil Navarro: cause you and your friends were gonna buy a pack of spark
VanClemmons: because you're hilarious----HORSE
Mrs. Hauser: because you're mean---chlamydia is not a flower
Mr. Manning and Family: because you're horrible parents
Logan Echolls: just because I like writing your name <3Mrs. Logan Echolls<3
Pleasure Opening Pigs Person: nice alliteration, Jess!
Blind Old Lady: cause that would be funny
Leo Damatto: just because you're a cute mummbler doesn't make you innocent
Clarence Wiedman: put yourself, put yourself, put yourself in my place
Amelia Delongpre: ...........uh, never mind. You're dead.
Vinnie Vanlowe: because you bowl
Meg Manning: suicide
Hee! We're so awesome. My guess is the Mannings. If I'm right, I will be so happy and do a victory dance in Matt's face.
I made banana bread for Operation Talent tomorrow. It smells good. I might make cookies if I have time after dance and before VM. Baking is actually a very fun activity. If you do it for pleasure, it's fun. If you do it for other people like--oh, I don't know--six kids and a lazy ass husband, then it's not fun.
I'll update again after VM. Maybe even after dance. If I update after VM, be forewarned: there will be a lot of CAPS!!!!!