Just when I thought I'd found a nice, simple balance, I thought of a couple other things I'd like to incorporate into life:
Swimming - both in the ocean, and laps at the free public pool.
Photography - walking around, taking pictures, learning a bit more about cameras. It's kind of a crime that I've lived in so many beautiful places and only bothered to capture it with words.
Web design - maybe I can figure out a neater and more visually-pleasing place to polish my little rocks on the Internet.
D. has gone to Okinawa for twelve days or so, and I missed not hearing his voice after work tonight. He was very lovey in the days before he left, a little insecure even, which is not characteristic of him. Nervous, I think. But any place that has this can't be that bad:
I have a feeling we'll have serious perma-grin when we see each other again.