(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 16:53

A woman in Michigan got her case thrown out of small claims court because she wouldn't remove her face veil. Of course, everyone's all in a tizzy and people who I really thought better of seem suddenly all concerned about women's outfits.
People? What the fuck? Why do you care?
My mom brought up the controversy at Fordson high school back in the seventies (back before Fordson high was something like 90% arab muslim like it is today) with high school girls wanting to wear something other than bathing suits during swim class. Her, totally illogical, argument was that while it's okay now that muslims are the majority, back then it somehow imposed on the rest of us to let girls where full-length outfits to swim.
But like, dude, how? I'm pretty sure my swimming experience has never been sullied by another person's bathing costume, not even ugly-ass unflattering bikinis. I'm pretty sure my going around sueing people in small claims court experience* is not sullied by some would-be plaintiffs silly outfit.
And people, I came of age during the great anarcho-summit hopping era of the late nineties so I find the argument that a person can genuinely disguise their identity by covering the bottom half of their face laughable. There was a point in my life when I could identify all my closest friends by the tops of the faces only. It also seems that the three girls who wear face veils to America's Best High School do fine by themselves.
It's fucking feminist boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome and drives me bugshit.
Anyone who says they are a offended as a feminist by another woman's outfit gets on my shit list because I know that plenty o'busybody feminists get offended by my outfits. I mean, are we still in middle school that other people's clothing choices get us all hot and bothered? It's, like, actual fucking oppression that bothers me.
I don't care what adult women wear, even if it does reflect patriarchal standards. I don't care who Warren Jeffs has sex with or marries either, until he starts having sex with little girls, get the difference?

*Harlan Ellison is really big on sueing people in small claims court so while I haven't yet, I reserve the right to if need be
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