Oct 07, 2004 20:55
well today got progress reports i have 4 a's 1b and 1 c... came home and was trying to help my sister wiht her barbie jeep and micheal was outside asking morgan if she wanted to race him in his car...it was funny...kahlua and brandy tried to help me fix the jeep but it wasnt working brandy ran off with my screwdriver and almost choked on it...that was after megan showed up and it was scarey caz we thought she was going to swallow it...anyways we couldnt fix the barbie jeep and morgan wouldnt listen to me that it was broken so we dragged micehal over and he wa slike i dont know whats wrong...then me and megan tried to make some stuffing and chicken...and it was kinda ok lol i had fun...we hung out with my puppies alot...their such goofballs.... we ate the dinner then megan went home and now im here..it was a good day...im off now