Oct 13, 2004 16:21
Why my boss is giving the biggest slacker (me) on the planet a bonus is beyond me, but hey, I'll take it. Things are settling in now at work. I'm probalby the most motivated I've been in my entire career.
Vince has to leave tomorrow to go back to Chicago 'cause Mike's mom died. The funeral is Friday which is my moving day...figgers. I think he's bored out of his skull here. Hasn't done a thing on the house. Not that he has to or anything - he's not my slave. But it's just strange that he chooses to do nothing over something. Is Jerry Springer really that good? Maybe I'm being too controlling about the projects. I can be that way I guess. Or maybe he's just not into home improvement as much as I am. Fancy that?! :)
Lookin' like New Years in California with GooGoo Dolls again. Practically becoming a tradition.