<---Here's Katy realizing she hasn't updated in quite sometime.
Having had the month+ home from Ireland necessary to upload all my pictures to my Photobucket account, the time has come for super-fun vacation photo share time!!
So image-heavy you might die.
Our first night in Ireland was definitely New Year’s Eve. What the madness.
Me with my first Irish pint. Clearly I’ve had a few drinks prior to said pint.
Beth (Bobby’s cousin/my new bestest bud) Shaun (Beth’s BF/darling little Irishman/Oppenheimer rockstar) Bobby (my precious BF) Me (totally drunkity drunk drunk/wet from the 10 mile walk from bar to party)
4 am New Years Day…Shaun, in his dressing gown, making toast.
Shaun & Beth eating toast.
Bobby showing off his toast.
Katy IS toast.
That’s hot.
Recovering New Year’s Day.
Nothing cures a hangover like a good day’s sleep, some water, and…an AIRHORN.
We did, of course, do more than just drink…
I took a lot of fabulous pictures.
Like this one.
And this one.
This one’s my favorite.
But when I wasn’t searching for the most picturesque shot…
…we spent quite a bit of time…
…apparently more than I remember…
3:00 in the afternoon…
10:00 in the morning…(okay okay - that’s orange juice)
…experiencing Irish culture at its finest (read: we were in the pubs)...
…because it rains a lot. And you can’t take lovely pictures in the rain. So that’s basically the only alternative.
Unless you’re shopping. Which I did a lot of. And I bought a ridiculous amount of FABULOUS items. [FABULOUS pictures to come…as soon as I feel fabulous enough to model them]
Darling tiny church…just in the middle of the countryside…as if such quaint darlingness just grows naturally.
Like the tractors do.
::artsy Strong Enough to Break movie poster shot::
Katy & Bobby being blashpemous and sitting on St. Patrick’s “grave.” (secret: he’s not actually buried there…)
Beautiful church two blocks from Beth & Shaun’s house.
Not sure why, but I expect to see 1960's Beatles running past these flats, being chased by a throng of screaming, crying, maniacal young girls. Even though, ya know, this is Ireland.
Oh, ya know…just a random CASTLE.
More castle...
Precious little elf door.
Precious little Irish street.
Precious little palm tree across the street from us. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!111one!!!
Winner of the Tackiest Christmas Festoonage Award.
Bobby @ the airport. At our gate. Which did not have a shopping center like the upper level. Or good food like the upper level. Or anyone who wasn’t an obnoxious creepy middle-aged man, or a screaming bratty two to five-year-old child like the upper level. We were here for…four hours?!?
Bobby warning me not to take another picture.
Bobby looking less-than-pleased as I take yet another picture.
For now, that is all. G’night lovelies.