Mar 15, 2005 03:31
Me: maybe sometime we could try hanging out again
Him: perhaps
Him: its your call really
Me: ...keeping in
mind that tonight's conversation isn't necessarily indicative of how awkward
things would be
Me: nah...not my
Me: i'm terrible
with calls
Him: well if its my call, im not calling
Him: ill throw that out there
Me: ouch
Me: lol
Him: well its best to tell the truth than
lie, right?
Me: well
definitely...i've just never been blatantly turned down before
Me: kind of
Me: but fair
Him: im just saying
Him: if its in my court, nothing will
Him: so its best that it's in your court
Me: but if i
called you something might?
Me: that's stupid
Me: lol
Him: stupid it may be, but thats the way
it is
Me: that probably
makes less sense than anything i've said tonight
Him: what have you
Me: alright
Me: well
Me: you have a
good life
Him: i wish that you have the grandest
life that you can
Auto response from Me: "So be it - I'm your crowbar (if that's what I am so far)
until you get out of this mess. And I will pretend that I don't know your sins -
until you are ready to confess. And you can use my skin to bury your
secrets in, and I will settle you down. And at my own suggestion, I
will ask no questions, while I do my thing in the background. But all the time, I'll
know...I'll know..."
Him: if you think me and you can hang out
and appreciate each other without sex getting in the way, or us hating each
other getting in the way, you give me a call, but I've [retty much given up
hope on that
Me: sex never
really got in the way considering it never happened...and i think that, aside
from that last night, we never really hated eachother...but maybe i'm
Him: :sexual acts: i suppose is what i
meant....i think you're even smart enough to know that i didnt mean sex in a
literal just needed an argument against the first half of what i
Me: maybe i did
Me: or maybe i
just never thought that sexual acts of any sort ever really got in the way of
Him: ifyou did, you wouldnt have argued in
the manner you did
Him: why would you say "considering
it never happened" then
Him: you obviously meant something totally
realted to literal sex
Me: i think we
both knew that nothing us-related would ever amount to whatever
happened - as long as it wasn't negative - wasn't really taking away from the
whole katy-greg experience
Me: again, maybe
i was just grasping for straws there
Me: probably not
with the intention of being taken so seriously
Him: look.....i hate your ideas, i hate
your incessive liberal comments, and ai pretty much hate everything you stand
Me: whoooooooooa
Him: theres no way i could make out with
you ever agian
Me: what ideas
and incessant liberal propoganda do i force down your throat?
Him: you force nothing down my throat
Me: i honestly
think we've had one politically charged conversation...and i think we actually
found something of a common ground in the end anyway
Him: you just always have a incessive
retort to anything political i say
Him: and it drives me nuts
Me: so what do i
stand for that nauseates youso?
Me: wow i really
doubt that
Me: considering
i've admitted on several occassions that i'm not nearly as politically-saave as
you, and would not really like to duke it out given i'd probably make a fool of
Him: you can doubt that as much as you
want.... but everything i say, youfind in neccesary to voice the opposite
viewpoint as mine and consistently ask me questions about the way i think
Me: actually...even
when i was completely agreeing with you on anything on our little drive to
milwaukee, you had a tendency to entirely change your original opinion just to
disagree with me
Me: and when i
ask you questions, it's typically because i'm trying so desperately to make
Him: well all im saying is we're fighting
now, and we fight everytime we talk, and thats why i told you i cant be friends
with you anymore
Him: ive never found anyone as nagging and
irritating as you, and i dont think i will again for a long itme
Him: i dont think its your fault
Me: nagging and
Him: its just that i can not stand you
Me: well i've
never found someone as condescending and inconsiderate as you
Him: and i dont know why
Him: thats fine
Me: so why would
you even carry tonight's conversation out this long?
Him: because i thought to myself
"mayb eim being to rash....maybe im just overreacting"
Him: but i seriously can't stand
you....and i feel like the supreme dickhead for saying that....because i dont
thin kive ever said that to anyone....but i dont know what it is....but i can
not stand you
Me: but no? your
efforts to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible last time were warranted?
Him: im not saying anything i did last tim
ewe hung out was warrented
Him: i never said that
Me: well, i wish
i could just let that all just roll of my back
Me: but that
really does bug me
Him: anyways, im a pretty tolerant person,
and i can usually stand anyone....but theres somethin about you that loves to
trip my trigger of irritation
Him: and thats why i said we cant hang out
Me: really wish
you could have told me that the first time we talked
Him: i didnt feel that way the first time
we talked
Me: alright
Me: well
Me: whatever
Him: yeah, whatever
Me: i guess
that's it then
Me: so
Him: so
Him: have a good life, i hope you find a
sucker that will love everything quasi intelligent you have to say
Me: wow fuck you
Him: and I bow
Me: hope you get
over your napoleon complex and realize that your pompous elitest aloofness will
someday crumble beneath you
Him: i dont have an eliteness with anyone
except for you
Auto response from Me: read me the letter, baby,
do not leave out the words.
and cigarettes ruined lives of lesser girls,
i wanna know,
cause i want you to know,
and it's a strange condition,
a day in prison,
got me out of my head
and i don't know what i came for...
know you're the best thing ever
to come out of this place
i want you to know,
i wanna know...
Him: you just piss me off enough to have
And yes, I did whip out the Napoloeon Complex-bit. He called me quazi-intelligent. I had to.
and so very insecure.
How sad that now I feel the need to prove myself to him EVEN MORE?
...liberal ideas...what the shit. What a motherfucking queer.