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maritas January 17 2009, 19:28:09 UTC
Well if Ellen is the last of the final five - what a fraking let down!

But man... the look of Leoben when Kara found the raptor!! He was afraid her - big time! The whole I'm backing up slowly now and RUNNING look was fucking pricelesss!!!

There has to be more going on here - Dee humming the song as she didn't hesitate to dig the rest jacks up and take them back to Galactica. And her shooting herself blew me away!!

Wouldn't it be a kick in the ass if they were all Cylons!

I dunno as I was talking to Jenni last night about this ingame - fighting the four horseman and all I could talk about was BsG!

I have complete faith and Ron and Dave to make this all make sense!

And who is the person who comes to people when they're out? Like when Kara was out after she took her ship down the warm hole - there was that person/someone showing Kara her past with her Mom - she even asked it if it was Leoben and it said no - the same with Laura in between the jumps on the clylon ship - who was the prophet that kept showing Laura her death scenes??
Who or what is that???

but most of all...
WTF is Kara!!!!!!!!


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