(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 09:31

NANCY!!! It turns out your box has been here for a couple days, but they didn't put a little slip in our mailbox saying that it was in the office. Instead, they half-assedly wrote it on a large envelope that came for Craig, lol. I picked it up yesterday and we ate almost everything in it right away, lol. The cookies were soooooo good. I even made a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the nummy gourmet blueberry jam you sent.

Now, what to do with the hot pepper jelly and Vodka sauce? Hmmm...looks like I'm gonna have to go to the store to find something *real* to cook, hahaha!



Alright, I'm pissed. I woke up this morning at 9:30. Class starts at 9:00. I had the clock set for 8:15. It didn't go off. I checked and re-checked it. It was fine. I don't fucking get it. Is it possible for both me and Craig to both sleep through it? I'd say it is since he never moves when it goes off anyway. I always have to drag him out.

Well, I hope the teacher lets us make up the fucking quiz.


And now, for your viewing enjoyment:

Awwww, me as a lowly level 33. I just hit 50 last night ^_^. Taken back before I learned you could hide the interface, lol.

Another n00b shot. Me walkin' on water off into the sunset, 'cause I'm bad-ass like that.

Just outside Uldaman. Post-learning how to hide the interface, lol. And it's not a dress, they're ROBES.

Inside Uldaman (God, that place sucks).

Inside Maraudon. Daunty Daunt there is a mage I play with regularly.


Man, you don't really notice the coolness of the scenery in this game until you stop and take screenshots, lol.

This is just funny:

Flying to/from Thunderbluff. New staff, omg! Got it last night, it's the reward for the Princess quest in Maraudon. OMFG NINJA MASK.

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