(no subject)

Apr 06, 2010 00:25

Dear Kim Novak, you've got some crazy eyebrows, but GOD DAMN IT I WANT YOUR SUIT.

I am absolutely obsessed. I will be the woman in the grey flannel suit, except, you know, without the disenchanted business aspect. I hope. I'm feeling pretty fantastic about my business, now that I'm working with Mary Kay. Seriously, guys, fantastic stuff. Find a consultant in your area or ask me for a free facial.

But back to the suit: I've been looking for a good skirt suit for awhile, and this is the one I want. I feel like I'll have to get it custom-made or do it myself (and then get frustrated with the difficulty of making a lined suit and get it custom-made anyway) due to my funky sizing. Besides, if you're going to spend dough on a lush suit, might as well make sure it fits you perfectly.

I might futz around all summer with a pattern like this, though I really am not totally sold on any of the patterns on my usual websites. I'm hardly at the level of drafting my own pattern for a suit, so we'll see. Really, though, I see nothing I like online in the way of this suit. OH MAN SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE SCOTTIE'S PROBLEM IN VERTIGO.

Also, I want to spend a month in Mandalay, based solely on one Rudyard Kipling poem.
The Road to Mandalay.

And it's imperialist, I know, but I've been craving a travel to southern Asia as of late. I'm not exactly sure why . . .

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