I'll save it for a play or a book or something
I have a girlfriend.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Then I'm doing better than you.
I don't think so. I'd rather not date anyone than date someone from here.
She's pretty.
I'm sure.
She puts out.
She reminds me of you.
I miss you.
I'm flattered.
Say you miss me.
I know you miss me. Say it.
I don't.
Yes, you do.
I miss what I thought you were. I miss the way you used to make me feel about myself. (pause) I miss my interpretation of you. I don't miss you.
You're just saying that.
What, you want me to act it out, too?
Get fucked.
I'm not lying.
Yes, you are. You're acting like you're better than me.
Than I. "I" is followed by "am," erego, it is--
Shut up. You're so arrogant. You're no better than me. You're worse.
I don't have worthless one-night stands.
I don't collect virgins.
I didn't fuck someone else's boyfriend.
That's a shame. You'd make a good twink.
I didn't spread a rumour my ex was gay.
No, you just told everyone your ex was bi. I didn't dump someone over the phone at midnight when she was 1,000 miles away.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
Yes, you do.
I don't lie about my smoking.
Yes, you do.
I don't do it to look cool.
Yes, you do.
I didn't dump someone after I'd taken her virginity.
I didn't break someone's heart.
Yes, you did.
We could try again.
Why not? It worked once, it can work again.
Why not?
That's not an answer.
You had me once, and you completely destroyed me. You're not doing that again.
You're doing the exact same thing to me now.
It sucks, doesn't it?
Fuck you. Love me.
I always will.
Love me.
I just said--
Fucking love me like you used to.
Then fuck off.
Okay. Bye.
I still love you. Don't think I don't for one minute.
I love you, too. Fuck off.