Nov 05, 2011 20:45

Icon by ____________. I love Po/Tigress. Like, a lot. And I wanted a really fancy TiPo one, and so I thought I'd used it. It looks so pretty~

Icon from iconator. The reason for this icon was that I wanted one that could use for all fandoms. It's pretty and dramatic, and Paramore lyrics. :)

Icon by ME! *spaz* That's the main reason I've kept this icon, because I loved how it turned out. The fact that the background just happened to work that way, Lina looks gorgeous, and the candle looks super bright. YEAH.

Icon by __________. UP QUOTE. YEAH. I wanted an icon I could use when posting in Pixar communities, and I just love this quote. <3

Icon by ___________. CATS DON'T DANCE. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. Years ago, I was super obsessed (as in, not healthy) with that movie. I wanted an icon that remindedme of my wonderous childhood. :D On top of that, I loooveee writing, so I thought it would be awesome to use this icon when I write stories.

meme, random

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