Dec 11, 2006 15:05
Seriously, what else? Or maybe I should watch out about asking that question?
It seems like everything has gone wrong for me in the last few months. The worst is that my dog Ginger might have cancer, but there have been many other things as well.
Oh, and if anyone is even reading this an wonders why I haven't posted in forever, on top of everything else my computer is still not working correctly after reinstalling Windows and losing a lot of my programs permanently!
First our phone line has been messed up for several months now. Unfortunately I didn't even know it at first, I just thought we were not getting a lot of phone calls until I tried to call our house myself a few times and found out no one ever got those calls. This just compounds the other problems.
Next both the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink decided to give out at the same time, they BOTH had rusted out pipes underneath them at the same time! That didn't get fixed for a couple weeks. When it finally did get fixed guess what-- the washing machine died. While we were down there taking a look at it we heard something dripping... There's a broken (dripping) pipe down in the basement ceiling too, unrelated to the washing machine!
A few days after Halloween, someone smashed in our car's side window. Of course our insurance doesn't cover that kind of thing...
Not enough problems, apparently... We're still trying to get those last two fixed and it's not easy when you never know if you're getting phone calls from the repairmen and they just aren't getting through... And what else can go wrong? Last weekend I was supposed to volunteer/participate in an event on Saturday with our therapy dog group. We got all ready, I even made a costume for one of the dogs to wear for this and stayed up till 3 am to finish it. We get out to the car and guess what-- it won't start!! I couldn't even let the people know I wasn't coming because I didn't have anyone's cell phone number.
We didn't get the car fixed for 4 days. Finally we did, had to get a new battery...
Then what should happen THIS Saturday, when I needed to get to the post office to mail something that was already behind schedule, the car would not start again! We waited around all day for the AAA people, when they finally did come to give us a jump, the car still refused to start. So, now it's back in the garage. I'm supposed to take Ginger to the vet this evening for bloodwork so she can get an ultrasound tomorrow to find out if she does have cancer, and I don't even know if I will have a way to get there...
What happened with Ginger is that I took her to my other (holistic) vet and she said her spleen felt really enlarged. So I emailed my regular vet for an appointment, and my regular vet told me that it could be cancer and I should think about what kind of treatment I wanted to do if it was... Ginger had an x-ray done last week which luckily showed her spleen wasn't as enlarged as we had feared, but she is supposed to get more testing done this week. The worst part of that is I don't even know if I will be able to afford any type of treatment... I can't even really afford the ultrasound, I would borrow from my parents and they would allow me to pay them back over time but with all the unexpected expenses lately their funds are really limited right now too--they don't even know if they can afford to do anything for Christmas this year... So I don't know what is going to happen to Ginger if it does turn out to be something that needs a lot of treatment.