(no subject)

Jul 05, 2002 03:51

I can't believe it. I was in my apartment in Abbott writing my paper and I heard something from my front door. Thinking it was a resident wanting pizza or something, I got up to get the door and the phone rang at the same time. The guy was already in my room and he swerved towards the other side of the hall, away from the deak and towards the pizza. This was probably 10pm, and just now, at 3:30am, I realized that my money was missing from my wallet, which had been on my desk. I looked all over for it, but I think I know what happened. The guy stole it. $78. How nice. Now, I"m not prejudiced at all, and I never have been, but this guy was obviously one of my residents or one of his friends, and I will never trust anyone who looks remotely like this guy again who lives in my hall. I guess I deserve it, because I was around the corner, but I was trusting that people would be smart enough to knock. I can't believe I had money stolen and I was in the room when it happened. How unbelieveable. I just hope the guy really needed it, and I hope that he gets his due. If I could recognize him and find him, I'd get my due, but I'll just know that he will get his, and it doesn't matter how badly he needed it. He was in school, so he had the money to pay tuition, room and board and for books. What a jerk! I hope he gets more than his due. I'm terrible, but I keep wishing terrible things on this guy. I'm sorry, but I"m truly angry. I can't report it, because I couldn't ID the guy if I tried, and there was too big of a window between then and the time i noticed it missing. I dont know what to do. I'm not going to report it, because I'll feel stupid, and I know that's no reason, but I"m so embarrassed and hurt. There's no chance I'll get it back or receive it back from someone if I do report it, so why bother. Nothing else was taken. I just hope he gets his due eventually, gets shot by a gang member or gets HIV or something nasty. If he was willing to do that to me, and I fed him dinner for free, he's done it before. He deserves whatever he gets. Jerk!
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