Nov 04, 2008 23:26
Obama has won the election and this is great for an overall victory, but Gay marriage is currently on the losing end. It's such a shame that something as simple as this is losing. Maybe I'm not smart enough to understand how gay marriage HURTS straight marriage. I'm a perfectly straight woman, involved with a straight man. I don't feel attracted to women in the least bit. I don't neglect other people's feelings. Marriage is about love and commitment between two humans. Maybe they are of different races or different sexes, but that doesn't negate the love they feel towards each other. It's a shame that our society feels that because they aren't gay they can't support those who are. Those who are gay didn't just wake up one day and decide that, it took them years and a lot of pain to figure that out.
I'm fully glad Obama won, but I can only hope that the remaining votes for Cali decide a better fate for those hetorosexually challenged.