Apr 16, 2006 12:25
I suppose now that people's attentions are diverted elsewhere, I might as well say that Dodger's been arrested again. It happened a few weeks ago -- in York, of all places. It wasn't for stealing this time, either.
Poor Old Boy. He did try to do right by me, in the end.
I am with Gran a good deal of the time. She's understandably devastated. More because he was caught than because of what he did, I think. Plus, she'd grown used to fussing over him and his boys once again, and now she's back to fussing over me I don't mind.
The Wizengamot date is set for two weeks from now. It's all been processed very quickly, which I suppose means that things don't look very good for my father. I wish I could say a part of me was sorry for him, but I think that that would be a lie.
He'd be insulted by pity, anyway.
I guess it's Easter. I'd not noticed until I heard all those bloody bells ringing in town. I can't say the holiday has ever held much meaning for me.