Apr 12, 2006 10:29
Okay so i haven't really been around much lately... I'm "grounded" from AIM and my lab-top, but i don't think that its going to last because well my lab-top was in my room when i left this morning and i was on the lab-top all Tuesday night & a little last night, but i was only doing homework on it. I am CRAZY bored and all the homework i did Tuesday night i printed out and will be handing in Today to all my teachers.
But lets see...
Thursday night i didn't sleep at all!
So there for...Friday night i went to take a nap at 6pm-ish and i didn't wake up until 8:30 Saturday morning. Damn that is like 14 hours of sleep. I was CRAZY tired.
Saturday morning i was up at 8:30 as i told you and at 9 o'clock i went to the eye doctor ad they dilated my eyes and then i went to Wal*Mart to get stuff to clean the carpets with. Then i made plans to go out with my friend Kimbie. She came over about 5 o'clock that night and we went to a party at her friend Becky's house, which by the way is CRAZY mun-go huge. Then we went to her boyfriends house and pretty much just hung from 9 o'clock until 11:30pm when he brought us home, and it was like midnight by the time i got home, then i went to sleep at like 1 in the morning.
Sunday i didn't wake up until about 1 in the afternoon so that is 12 hours of sleep, give or take. I then did nothing all day until about 6 o'clock my mother decided that i should have to clean the kitchen even though it was Thomas's day, so i flipped out on her. The we fought and i called Derek crying, then Rocky called me and we went for a walk and hung out from like 7pm until 9:30pm when he walked me home. And i came in watched a little TV then went to sleep at 11pm.
Monday i was "grounded" from my computer but not really cause i had CRAZY amounts of homework and needed to make up or do. So i did that and my mom really didn't care that i was on the computer, i just hung out with it and watched TV then i went to my aunt's house and she helped me edit the graduation article that i had written. Then walked home, then talked to Rocky on the phone, and then showered and went to sleep by 10;30.
Tuesday morning my alarm never went off and didn't get out of bed until like 6:15 and i just made the bus. Then i had a horrible gym class, a quite interesting business math class & and very interesting english class. Our student teacher in english has her last day is on Thursday, so we're bring in some food and drinks to say thank you for everything. even though i'll just see her next week over vacation at Kuhn. Oh that reminds me that i need to ask my mom if she can pick up the cookie dough so that i can make cookies for Miss S/Lisa for tomorrow. i had to make a up a quiz for my college note-taking course it is was weird, that class is weird. we're also having an english test on Thursday blah that kinda sucks
Today is wednesday and after today there is only one more day until vacation...ten days away from here and when we come back we have 8 weeks of school left for school, then graduation. YAY!!!
i've decided to start running everyday/every other day, we have a tred-mill (however you spell it) we never use, i'm going to make good use of it. I am very hungry today i haven't eaten anything since about 2:30 yesterday afternoon, today i won't eat anything until about then either. *sticks tongue out* I'm tired of school and can't wait for vacation. LOL
Okay well, give me a call if you want to hang out over vacation. This weekend Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday is Easter & i'm CRAZY busy so nothing until Monday is open....
Love & Laughs...TOR