How do you solve a problem like Miss' gender ishues :\

Jul 08, 2009 14:18

First, I have to confess, I have always been very ambivalent about the term "diva". On the one hand, it can be used in a positive way, a way that normalizes traits that are tolerated/encouraged in men. But on the other hand it technically maintains the association between those traits and that stereotype's connotations ... whatever, I guess it's the same old ambivalence about all more creative uses of language. I just know that if someone called me a diva I'd probably be pretty insecure about it. ANYWAY.

Also, I am ambivalent about seeing these chicks in a stereotypically female setting like sipping martinis in a nightclub or getting a mani-pedi at the spa. I mean, I often defend things that are stereotypically female, because like, seriously, what's so bad about going out and having a drink with friends? Does it really make a big difference if its in a shiny nightclub or a seedy bar? (No.) But I gotta confess, sometimes I feel uneasy with the idea that there are men out there trying hard to Write Women. It makes me feel like an alien or something. WAH I'M SO HARD TO PLEASE :| I don't know.

I DON'T KNOW. "I love my gal pals." Why did I cringe reading that line! I even use gal pals in real life!

Because I guess now and then it's hard to keep from wanting to just feel normal instead of a problem to solve. But the reality is that gender as it is currently conceived IS a problem that needs solving.

I'm just tired of feeling that way :(

ETA: Either way, the torsos are still absurd.

dern wimmin folk

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