ASOIAF Fanmix Rec Post

Feb 21, 2011 13:57

Some of my favorite mixes I’ve come across in the fandom. A large number (as in, all) of these are by people on my f-list, wouldn’t you figure … well, I did come across a cool one on tumblr but haven’t had the chance to listen yet.
  1. Of The Endless Summer (Land of Song) by summersdream. Various characters, lots of English folk songs. Awesome defined.
  2. (No) Loyal Knight & True by munditia. Brienne of Tarth, from her backstory to her uncertain future, much folk and folk rock and awesomeage.
  3. The Women of A Song of Ice and Fire by deeplyunhip. Sansa’s, Cersei’s, Cat’s, and Brienne’s selections work for me especially. 10 women, 10 (+1) songs, infinite awesomitude. Locked post.
  4. Love My Name by sunny-serenity. House Stark and hell if it doesn’t sound like brooding dark and winter metals and cold wind and how does music even do that! Awesomalicious.
  5. And I Am the Embers by chisakami. A BWB mix, great graphics and appropriately creeeeeeeeeeeeepy mood. Wish I could drive around in corn fields at night with it on. Awesometastic.

The locked post is open only to westerosorting members :( If anyone by chance wanted to share their locked post fanmix with the world they could always *cough* crosspost it to fanmix. Just sayin’.

{asoiaf} !mixtape, music, {asoiaf}

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