Nov 21, 2005 22:38
Most days, I can take harassers with a grain of salt. It's not fun but it's part of life when you're as large as me. But today, a bunch of teenagers crossed the line into the "scary zone".
I was entering the library by the local high school. I spotted a group of teenaged boys and one teen girl outside of the building. I thought "oh great" but I had to go in and passed them. They saw me, I saw them and I ignored their taunts. But they did not stop at words. One guy literally went behind me, saying horrible sexual things and practically grinding his crotch in my ass. He was about six inches away. They were laughing and laughing. Yes, it's funny to spew vulgarities at women, especially ones you find “disgusting”. He made me angry, very angry but you know I also directed my ire at? The silly, giggling girl. Stupid girl, she doesn't realize by validating such misogynist rhetoric that it makes things worst for her.
And another kicker: The ass grinder told me "I would never lose weight"
I hate feeling powerless, especially made so by half wit 16 year olds. What is worst is that no one was around to witness the incident and I wish there was someone