Jan 24, 2007 17:48
Three more hours of class, and I'm done with the worst day of the week. Wednesdays just keep me going and going, with a max of 1.5 hours off between classes... and the classes run from 8:30 am until 10 pm. Doesn't that just sound so incredibly enjoyable? On the plus side, tomorrow all I have is music history, and then on Friday I get to go in to meet my teacher (granted I have to be in Midland by 8, but I'll survive), and then spend as much of the day in the classroom as I want. She seems like she's going to be really cool, which makes me excited.
I just have to say this - some people disappoint me. You can choose to be oblivious with your own life, but it's not always my job to stop, and tell you when to fix it. I don't have the time/energy to deal with that right now (I think I might have finally found the courseload to match me... if not overpower me :P) so figure it out, and get back to me. I've got enough stuff to deal with, and enough people that are trying to fix their lives that I want to help them.
I'm enjoying all of my classes this semester (although they're all pretty crazy work wise), but I like learning about it. Of course I adore music history, Dr. Girdham is just hilarious. And although I'm not a fan of Dr. P's exams, his classes are interesting and you just -know- that he knows exactly what he's talking about, because he's seen it/fixed it/dealt with it before. It really just inspires awe, almost. Lessons/ensemble are a joke (again), but such is life. Concert band isn't completely horrible (I'm playing a lot more than I would have at Alma) and I can definitely deal with it.
Gah. So many things I want to say, and my fingers just won't seem to find the right keys. It was really nice to be able to talk to Angela today, she and I have quite a few of the same views about stuff, and it's good. We also played around a bit with the analysis homework, and so we were able to get our questions answered. I'm hoping to be able to get the rest of it done by tomorrow before history (or at least look at most of it) so that if I think I'm going to have any questions, I can get them all nice and taken care of. I still have to eat before my seven o'clock, but I'll get around to that. Eventually. :P