Go Look - You Won't Be Sorry...

Apr 25, 2009 00:30

Everyone on my friends list has heard me go on and on and on about my wonderful gifts I've received from the three sshg_exchange 's I've participated in. They've all been great, and this time is no different.

This time you've heard me gush about the gift I received from foxestacado .  If you loved The Portrait of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger, you need to go visit her LJ right now and see THIS post.

She is making 10, and only 10 prints of my gift. The first one she is sending to me (YAY!), the second and third she will be auctioning for charity, and prints 4-10 she is selling.  Even if you hadn't previously thought about whether or not you want a copy of this for yourself (and you know you do!, you have to go over and read her post, because she has so many fascinating behind the scenes notes on the entire process of creating everything in the picture, from the book Hermione carries, to the lily, to the reasons why she picked every last detail in this piece.

Go look! Tell your friends!

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