lol, thanks bb! I try to be high-brow. I usually am really bad about seeing current movies so this year was kind of unusual for me! There was lots of good stuff out.
Happy New Year to you too! *hugs* May it be as awesome as that one x-files where Mulder and Scully finally kiss each other as the ball drops on Time's square. FTW
Yes, I totes saw Benjamin Button and I cried the whole time.. of course, I later found out I was severely anemic and being emotional is a classic symptom of that, but we'll just ignore that little detail. ;) It's definitely one of my faves now.
Comments 20
I wish I were in Scotland so I could celebrate that properly - if I say happy hogmany to people here i get looked at strangely. LOL
In the words of David Cassidy, I think I love you.
happy new year!
Happy New Year!
happy new year to you too!
Happy New Year, sweetie!
Happy New Year to you too! *hugs* May it be as awesome as that one x-files where Mulder and Scully finally kiss each other as the ball drops on Time's square. FTW
How was "Milk?" I've been really wanting to see that.
I'm glad you love some of the same stuff I do! lol. Have you seen Benjamin Button? I went the day it opened and it was freaking amazing. Loved it.
Milk was really incredible - the acting was top-notch and it's just a wonderful story. I really enjoyed it.
If you weren't my seekrit twin, I'd marry you. ;)
bwahahaha! Still rolling around laughing at that. Thanks bb!
I'll have to go see Milk now. :D
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