Title: Something good will come of it.
misst89 Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Sawyer/Kate
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: Based on 6x01-6x02
Summary: Sawyer's POV/becomes both S/K
Fate is defined as an event or a series of events that is inevitably going to happen. Generally fate is associated with positive incidents rather than times of crisis, and in this case, it no doubt is a positive event. Whatever happened happened and if you replay our lives over and over again, the sequence may have changed, but the result is always the same.
Author's notes:I've been wanting to write a Skate fic for ages and this...well I just wanted to explore it a bit. It has some scenes from the episodes, and its just extended a bit. I hope you like it!
Dedicated to
christiesk and
force_oblique Chrissy I hope i did them justice. Kelly I hope you like my writing - I feel terrible compared to you :p
Please be kind!!
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