In case you missed it amid the terrifying horrifying brutality of Putin and his regime -- invading a democratically elected country, killing, bombing, destroying ruthlessly, and threatening to start a nuclear war with anyone who directly intervenes (say creates a no-fly zone over Ukraine):
Here is Biden's humane and socially democratic vision for Americans:
Click to view
Lest anyone think once this is over -- whenever that may be and however (Russia swallows Ukraine, they negotiate, or Russsia departs, not likely) -- the threat of nuclear war is not real, this review of two books on the behavior of people in charge of developing and testing and playing war games with these weapons may be seen in the London Review of Books, 24 February 2022: Tom Stevenson reviews Kaplan's The Bomb and Lieber and Press's The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution Last Robert Reich's source guide on Ukraine:
Best backgrounders:
The Atlantic: “Russian Invasion of Ukraine” at The New Yorker: “Ukraine,” at Foreign Affairs: “Ukraine News and Analysis,” at Best updates:
Mother Jones: “Message from an American Fighting in Ukraine,” at The Guardian: “Ukraine War Latest News,” at The Economist: “Ukraine in Crisis,” at The Associated Press: “Latest News on Ukraine,” at Reuters: “Ukraine,” at by Miss Sylvia Drake