Apr 03, 2007 01:24
3/4 over already... If I'm lucky maybe alittle more than that. Pregnancy comes with so many little problems. The doctor finally told me I can take Prilosec for my acid reflux, My first Glucose screening test came back high...by 1 point! they send you in for the 3 hour test, where you have to fast for 15 hours, if your blood sugar is over 140...I was at 141, and they sent me in *grumble* but, I guess it's better safe than ending up with a 11 pound newborn... the extended test came back normal so I can have sugar again YaY! but, my dr. told me, very politely, that I'm getting fat. WEll, what he said was " Your weight gain the past 3 visits has been pretty substantial, you've already gained 30 pounds, and the max healthy weight gain for the entire preganacy is 35, so if you go downto gaining the 1 pound a week we recomend, you'll still wovershoot that by about 10 pounds." aka, I' getting fat. which, is true. I've been packing on 10-13 lbs instead of 4 between my apointments. so, I was told no more fast food, hich I've been cheating on...but only a little, and to watch my sodium intake and limit processed food. 've been trying to follow this for about 2 weeks now and something tells me that I'm gonna end up deciding that the dr. can kiss my ass. EVERYTHING I'v been craving is either chalk full of sodium, like teriaky, and tarter sauce. or processed to high hell. and now that the heart burn is more or less gone, I could eat those things! so, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cheat on this diet and end up with a bunch of weight to lose after I have the baby. I got my first stretch mark...it's little... TJ says you can't even see it till I point it out... but he's supose to say things like that. but it's still there, about 1/2 an inch long coming up my side from my hip... big, ugly, and purple. and I still got 2 months to go. I just hope I don't end up covered in them.
Other than my hips waking me up every 20 minutes with the feeling of having a huge bruise that someone is pushing on, and my feet feeling like they are on fire if I stand for more than 10 minutes, I feel great! I'm still loving being pregnant for the most part. I've got a few complaints, but, those are mostely people complaints like...
1. don't wait till after a woman has bought enough frilly girl clothes and blankets to outfit an orphanage and then say to her " You know, ultrasounds are really unreliable, they're wrong abouthe sex a good 1/3 of the time." this will cause the woman to go into a constant state of anxiety for about a week.
2. Preganacy already makes you feel fat, so, being constantly asked " Oh my god! are you sure it's not twins?" only heightens this feeling. when someone says that, they may think they are being cute, or funny, but, more or less what they are saying to you is, "wow! you're fat."
3. just because I'm pregnant, and I respond when you ask how I'm feeling, doesn't mean I want to sit through a 2 hour speach about every singal complication you had that I don't, as if that means theres something wrong with me, and the full story of your extremely painful ,long child birth. I'm aware of the fact that it's going to hurt like hell and I'll prolly be threating the life of anyone in scrubs who walks in my door till the drugs arrive. but, that doesn't mean that hearing you talk about how bad it was for you makes me feel comfortable...it's actually really annoying.
but, yeah... other than those few things. things have been going well. we moved into the bigger room downstairs, and got the crib set up. Tomorrow TJ is supose to put together the rocking chair. I have to re spray paint the front of the dresser drawers and then I can put her clothes away. I still need to put away a bunch of our crap too. we more or less got all the furniture in and all of our belongings are sitting in a pile in the other room looking generally omnious and dareing me to try to figure out where to start on finding them new homes. I'm sure I'll get around to it. in the mean time, our dryer is broken so I've got a good 3/4 of our laundry piled up. it' gonna be sitting there for another week, but, I can live with that. My Brother fucking rocks and bought us a new washer and dryer that wont be here till next monday so, It's more than worth the wait.
anyway, thats about it... my Doc appointments are every 3 weeks now instead of every 4. that sems to indicate that I'm approching the end of this journey. and I'm starting to get fricking TERRIFIED about being a mom. I know I'm good with kids, Ilove babies ,and I have alot of experience with newborns and babies and whatnot. but, I don't have any experience with them being MINE. I thought about it in a different way the other day that scared the crap outta me... that I'm not just growing a person, I'm shaping a person too...TJ and I are going to be responsible for shaping her life. we are going to be the foundation that molds her personality, her morals, and her general aditude towards life. and there is no reset button... that scares me more than anything else.