all right. i tried to not take this personally but...

Nov 06, 2004 00:20

here is an article i read in today's paper, entitled as such:

"religious leaders prepare demands"

america's conservative religious leaders, credited with providing the margin of victory for president bush's re-election, are ready to present the white house with a bill for services rendered. the list, they say, is a lengthy one, beginning with the nomination of supreme court justices who will overturn the landmark roe vs. wade decision on abortion, increased support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and a larger role in policing decency for the federal communications commission. conservative religious leaders also want to further limit federal support for stem cell research, increase "abstinence only" sex education, and ban human cloning and international population programs that include abortion.

no. nonononono!!!!! what the fuck is wrong with fifty one percent of america that they forget we're at war and massively in debt just to vote on how they feel about gays and abortion? and who says you have the right to "demands"? i'm not saying this out of sour grapes. i knew bush was going to win another term even though i voted for kerry, so this is not me just trying to be pissy. i was ready to support any sort of bipartisan effort to get our country back to the way it needs to be. this is not the way to do it though. sorry, liberal view or not, this country is founded on the ideals of separation of church and state. and you know what? it's not that way so we can protect the church from the state. it's so the millions of people who live here can do so in a harmonious fashion without having to conform to the ideals of whatever religion the guy that's in charge is at the time. people say kerry was being wishy washy when he said he was against abortion but wouldn't ban it. not true. if you were paying attention what you would realize he said was this:

"i am catholic. i personally do not condone abortion. however, many other people in this nation are not catholic. some are athiest, some are protestant, some are muslim. who am i to tell the entire nation they have to conform to MY ideal of what's right just because i'm in charge?" makes sense to me. what does not make sense to me is the fact that now for some reason all of america is expected to soon live under extreme, evangelical, overtly biased religious views just because the religious people voted bush and they voted on "social issues". as for me, no way.

nobody is going to tell me what i can and cannot do with my body. NO ONE! that is my decision to make and as long as i am breathing it will remain my decision. gays getting married has nothing to do with the success of your heterosexual marriage, espcially since straight people do much kinkier stuff in bed. i guarantee if two gay men were getting married in florida right now it would never, ever affect me. i absolutely will not let a bunch of extreme right wing types decide what's best for the country because they think it's owed to them because they voted for bush. fuck that. what we need to do is focus on the important issues at hand. like how we're going to get out of iraq. how we're going to fix social security without treating it like betting on a dog at the race track. how we're going to catch the real criminal of bin laden rather than spout rhetoric about how safe we are now that saddam has been caught. i watched the news all night, we're bombing the shit out of falluja. that's not the world being a better place, no matter what you're told.

ugh. i don't know what to say. i don't disagee with morals. i just think they're personal and that you can carry them out and live a good life on your own terms without relegating them to the government. there's also a difference between your morals and your religion.

so yeah. if you don't agree, fine. just be warned that you're trespassing on liberal property and can't expect anything else from me! i've played nice up until now but sorry, churches will not tell me how to live my life. i am incensed.
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