No... this isn't me, but this is what I got to do yesterday...
And here's some of the tools they used...
And this is what they DO to the NERVES (pulp) inside the root of the tooth...
16 shots of novacaine later and I didn't feel a G.D. thing - till the shit started wearing off. Then... OHhh.MY.GOD. (It would have been OHHHHHHHHH MYYYY GOD, but unfortunatly I can't open my mouth that wide to actually say it).
So he gives me a perscription for Darvoset.
The first line of instructions reads:
"WARNIGN: should be used with extreme caution, and if possible not at all..."
So the Advil is just going to have to do.
Ok. I'm done whining now. But daaaaaaaamn. It sucks.