Me fail English? That's unpossible!

Mar 14, 2010 20:01

So, yesterday was Sarah's babyshower. Due to some truck trouble, Hannah came and picked me up. She didn't know where to go, but I had asked Sarah from directions the night before and she told me exactly where her grandmother's house was. I remebered those directions to a T, so when I was telling Hannah what ways to turn, I was fairly confident I was giving her the correct directions. I told her that the road we were looking for was on the right, about 5 minutes from the coffee shop. EXACTLY what Sarah told me. So, we're looking for this road and we can't find it. I know Sarah's bad with directions and timing, so after it got to about 15 minutes of fricing, looking for this 'infamous road on the right while heading toward Petersburg', I figured Sarah Gin got her timing off and instead of 5 minutes it was 15. I was getting annoyed. Hannah was getting annoyed and we came upon my Aunt's house who lives about 20 minutes or more from town. We pull in. Talk for a while. Guess what? We were suppose to be looking on the LEFT side of the road, not the right like Sarah said. And to make things more fun, the shower started at 2 and it was 1:55 and we had to go 20 minutes the other way. >< We FINALLY got there. Sarah apologized multiple times for giving me the wrong directions and then proceded in giving me the biggest hug in the world. I thought she was going to kill me. Seriously.

It was fantastic to see her again.  I had really missed her. She made me feel her tummy for like 10 minutes, and I FINALLY felt Max kick. That just made me all giddy and giggly for some reason. Lol. Her family was really sweet. Her and her sister were a lot alike, I think. Her aunt, grandmother, and mom seemed to have liked me fairly well. They kept commenting on my manners and such. After the shower, Hannah, ZZ, Daylin, Savannah, and I stayed and helped clean up, then hung outside with Sarah Gin and talked. They invited me and Hannah to the Basement, but we knew we couldn't go, so instead we went to Berber's grave and stayed a while, sharing memories and such, before Hannah and I left for Taco Bell and then Alice in Wonderland.

I might say, Alice in Wonderland really disappointed me. Everyone was talking about how funny and great it was, when it wasn't all that fantastic. Sure, it had it's moments, but those moments weren't 'roflmao' moments. Although, I must say that the graphics were pretty cool.

I finally got home around 9 something last night, and called Jeremiah as soon as I walked through the door. He finally got me to go to sleep, and I didn't wake up until around noonish. Haha.

movies, baby, friends, random, baby shower

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