"I Just Met You, And I Lo- SQUIRREL!"

Feb 07, 2010 20:13

 I dunno why I chose that title. Maybe because I just watched the cutest movie of the century and that was a line from it. What is that movie you may ask? Why, it was UP!, a Disney/Pixar film. It was adorable! It made me laugh and cry. It really brightened up my weekend, though it's basically the end of the weekend now. I can at least say it's the happiest I've been all weekend. Remember what I said in my entry last night? About how I watch movies to block out everything else? Some people do video games. Other people read and write. Some drown themselves in heavy music. I watch movies. I don't have the hand-eye coordination to play video-games, no matter how bad I may want to. I don't the patience to read or write anymore, and I listen to music a lot already. I like watching movies. I just have to sit there and stare at the screen and just become enveloped by it. Movies always put me in a decent mood, no matter what is it. But, it's after the movies over that really sucks. I'm brought back to reality and I don't really enjoy it. The only time I enjoy reality is when I'm at school and/or with Jeremiah. He makes me happier than any movie ever could.  Sigh. I miss him. I can't wait to see him, tomorrow. I know that as soon as I do, my face is going to light up with the familiar smile it always does when I see him, and I'm going to bug him until I make him smile. Hell, I'm smiling right now just thinking about him.

I'm selfish. Extremely selfish. I want him for myself and I don't even want anyone to talk to him. Is that a bad thing? That I'm that possessive? I can make him happy and I can take care of him. He doesn't need anyone else. I can't wait until we can live together. Then I can take care of him and I can make him happier than he's ever been. That's what I want to do. I want to be the best wife to him. I don't want him to worry about anything, except maybe the dishes on occasion. I want to spoil him. Hah. I bet most you are laughing at me right now. Surprisingly, I mean all of what I say. You can say I'm definitely not a feminist. Besudesm....<-Wtf..I leave my computer for 5 seconds and I come back to see random letters...

I hate to admit it, but he definitely wears the pants in this relationship. No matter how many times I deny it. He has far more control over me than I have of him. The one thing I will always fight him over, though is who loves who more. Because I know for a fact that I love him more. He can deny that all he wants to, but I do love him more and I will continue to fight him on that until he believes me.....He better not use this against me. Haha. God, I love that man. He's too good to me. He really is. He's the most perfect person I know.

I really don't know what to type anymore. I have plenty of things I want to say. It's just those types of things that are more than words and describe. Do you get what I mean?

baby, jeremiah lance, random, control, rant, up, love, weekend

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