What A Day...

Jan 11, 2010 18:23

Today hasn't been eventful, at all. It was a good day, in all. Boring, very boring. But good. I really enjoyed it though not much happened.

Oh yeah! Sweeney Todd is now on meh computar....Don't ask why I typed like that. But anyway, be ready for some videos. I'm excited. I can get more creative! My first peice will be dealing with Requiem for a Dream. A beautiful composistion by Chris....something.

I have a headache. I took some Ibueprofen earlier, but it didn't help. Also, this morning. I woke up at 5 and went to take a shower. I had an allergic reaction to something. I dunno what it was but I started doing what I normally do when I have a bad reaction to something, i.e shallow breaths, extremely hot skin, rushing heartbeat, and other things that aren't good. I took some Benydryll though and that worked fine. So, Jeremiah, you're lucky I was at school today. :P

I dunno what to put now, other than I'm going to go work on my ST video and waiting to call Jeremiah. Blame him for my amazing day. Lol.

Adios, muchachos y muchachas!

blah, great day, :), jeremiah, song, taggy, allergy, sweeney todd, video

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