I've realized something.

Jan 10, 2010 09:09

I love my boyfriend more than the world. I know, that make it seme like our realtionship is horrible, but we know it's not. God knows that it's not. I truly love him. Hurting him kills me.

Last night I got to thinking after I got off the phone...
I'm going to delete my livejournal.

Now, I think I shouldn't. Last night, I made a promise to Jeremiah that I would never hide anything from him. EVER. But I also know that I can talk better online. It's only Kelly that reads this, from what I know. And from last night, Jeremiah read it too. Now, I'm going to be persistant in getting Jeremiah to read it.

The only thing, I'm deleting all of my old entries. I don't need them anymore. I don't want to see them anyone. There's a major one that I hope Jeremiah read, but if he didn't then that's okay. I'm starting over. A whole new leaf. I won't be haunted by the past.

Further more. I'l keep my entries up for a week, then I'll be deleting them. That should give Jeremiah enough time to read them. But this is a way for me to spill out everything and not hide anything at all.

jeremiah. private, new., start over, love, past, life

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