Dec 10, 2009 18:56
If Islam does gain majority (or a large minority) due to people joining and accepting because of the ideas expressed by Muslims that aren’t actually Muslim, will they then turn our political systems and parties in ways that ACTUALLY reflect Islam?
The people we see talking on YouTube and communicating on the internet in general are trying to show us that Islam is a religion of peace, it is accepting of people, it isn’t misogynist against women and doesn’t allow men to beat their wives and children.
The Qu’ran DOES say these things. It DOES say you can beat your wives and children, it DOES say you must forceably convert people, etc.
As much as I disagree with religion, I will allow people to practice it.
But what these people are saying about Islam is simply not correct.
I am happy for the population of our nation to become predominantly Muslim if they abide by the ideas that most Muslims trying to convey themselves as normal, friendly, peaceful people on YouTube and other outlets do. But the Qu’ran does not agree with what these people are saying. And if we do allow Islamisation of our country to occur, will Muslims then revert back to the actual teachings of the Qu’ran?
I don’t want to get into arguing about the Qu’ran itself but please feel free to message me questions/complaints/ideas/what ever if you so wish and I will get back to you.
In a country where we elect our government the government will reflect the views of the majority of people. If we allow Muslims into our country, and continue to do so, then it is possible that eventually we will have a Muslim majority.
And don't say, “letting Muslims in will mean we WILL have a Muslim majority”. No, if we let SOME in then we won't. But if we are not discriminating AGAINST Muslims entering our country, then it's entirely possible. Unless we made a law stating that only a certain percentage of people entering the country could be Muslim then there's no reason why we couldn't eventually become mostly Muslim.
So if you are saying it's ok to accept Muslims into our country WITHOUT setting a maximum percentage (which you may conclude is anti-Islam), then you ARE saying you are happy with Australia becoming predominantly Muslim.
So in allowing Muslims into the country we are allowing our system of government to eventually switch to an Islamic government.
I want to start a nonthiest libertarian political party, one that allows any religion but makes no policies based on any religion.
I would like everyone's opinion on this issue. We're already experiencing it with Catholics in power, who make decisions on homosexual marriage, abortion and euthanasia based on religion instead of pure logic and research.
I went to church on Sunday (yeah, honestly), and they spent the whole time talking about converting people, how "inter-faith" functions were WRONG according to Christianity because Christians were not supposed to associate with non-Christian people, etc.
I saw a "saint" in the Australia Post catalogue called Mary MacKillop and I went to 'her' site (not made by her, obviously) because I noticed she was wearing hijab, and I know that Muslims remind Christians that Christian women wore/wear hijab (so they're extremely contradictory when they question Muslims about it, which I agree with wholeheartedly), look at Mary, she had her head covered. Anyway, I went to her site and it was talking about how you can't be a real Catholic if you don't intend to convert everyone, you can't be a Catholic at home or in 'private', that's not Catholic, a real Catholic has to be imploying their CATHOLIC ideas in every aspect of their life. It was about Tony Abbott becoming leader of the Liberal party and saying that his Catholisism wouldn't affect his policies.
I want everyone to respond to this. Muslims, Christians, athiests, agnostics, Jews, EVERYONE.
Because allowing people into the country means allowing more votes for political parties and policies that CURRENTLY are often based on religion.
And if I DO start a nontheist party, and do allow religious people to immigrate, which means they will then grow in numbers, vote, and then possibly become the majority and make their own party and base their policies on religion, which means other religions or athiests or agnostics will have to abide by them... how can I stop this?
Because there's no point in making a libertarian party (which would allow all religion and wouldn't discriminate against religion in allowing people to immigrate) if the result is that a religious majority makes government and takes away all the liberty my party was intended to create.