May 13, 2006 14:17
I returned a couple of things today that I didn't want to return. They had a destination in mind but I could not obtain a latitude or longitude. It was really sad returning them. I didn't want to. Regardless of everything I still wanted to send these things on their way.....
Oh well.
Bought some boxes today. It's going to be so fucking expensive mailing my shit out. I don't want to do this. At all. I just don't. Things just aren't the way they were supposed to be. They way they were planned a month ago. And I just can't handle this fucking stress all at once from all corners of the world COMING AT ME at full speed!!!!
This is all too much.
That heavy heavy heavy feeling.....fuck
I want to click my heels and open my eyes and have everything go back to normal. This chaos is too much. So heavy....
I really, really wish I was a numb human being when it comes down to times like these. I would sell my heart if I could.... I would rip it out. Surgically remove whatever hormone or thing it is that surges through your chest when you feel this alone and this confused and empty.
I write messages and then find relief when there is no response. Yet I keep writingt the messages.
I just want some answers.
I mean......why?
Seriously. WHY???????????? Why are all these things happening at once? WHY does it work this why? And why did any of these things occur in the first place? And why.......just why?
I want to make it all feel okay.
You're such a fucking baby, Heather. Fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking stupid little girl. You're crazy and no one gives a shit and you write these stupid little entries because you think it makes you feel better but it doesn't. It doesn't make you feel better and no one really likes to hear you whine. You really should do everyone the favor....