May 14, 2006 22:56
So...there's this guy named, Ryan, (not the one I used to date) who I became "friends" with back in September/October through Myspace. We ended up meeting after only about a week or two of writing and ummm...yeah....bad idea. Most other people I've met through this place I had been writing back and forth with for atleast a month or more. Those people became good friends. It proved that personality can sometimes most definitely travel through text if you really try. But this I had thought he would have been a bit more artisitic and introverted of a person judging from some of his neat and artistic profile pictures but I was way wrong. I've given this guy the nickname, "Crazy Ryan", and have even told him that that is what I call him. It's been quite a few months since I may have mentioned this kid but I know if I mentioned him in the past that was what I called him then and I still do.
We hung out three times, I believe. The first time we went out to PB where he took me along Sunset Cliffs Blvd. and showed me some of the views of the sunset on the cliffs there. The one-sided flirting started almost instantly after we met. This dude came/comes on hella strong. The second time we hung out was to go to the MCS/FOB concert at Soma, and the whole time we were standing in line he kept invading my space. Majorly. I have pictures where I'm giving looks worth a thousand words to prove it. The third time, I was like okay....if this guy doesn't cool it by now then this must honestly be how he is. It's not nerves. It's just him. I gave him THREE chances to become an appealing
See....sometimes, I would say about forty percent of the time, he would say really intelligent and thought provoking things. The other sixty percent of the time he was thinking about sex, and a lot of people are probably like this (maybe even worse) but we keep it to ourselves. Crazy Ryan.....nononono. Not Crazy Ryan. He puts it alllll out there. So every time he opened his mouth I was always on edge as to whether it would be something interesting or absolutely ridiculous.
One time, (ex-boyfriend) Ryan and I were walking in Hillcrest and unfortunately bumped into Crazy Ryan at a crosswalk. I was immediately nervous because, though I never let things go anywhere sexually with this person (believe me, he's actually called me a 'prude'), I was still very aware of his random loose lips. Sure enough, right there on the sidewalk Crazy Ryan had the nerve to invite me to some concert and then joke about getting permiscuous with him after the show. He said all this RIGHT IN FRONT of my (then) boyfriend!
What the fuck, right? anyway, suddenly he calls me up tonight out of nowhere after months of not talking (he was also long ago deleted from my Myspace friends list) and has the nerve to start hitting on me and saying the same jackass-type things he used to say. I let him know over and over that he's crazy and totally rag on his fucking ego but nothing seems to work. It's like he just thinks I'm playing hard to get. It's been MONTHS since I've spoken to this guy!! I mean, c'mon man. I think you'a . I'm not interested.
He wants to give me backstage passes to something he's co-running coming up at the House of Blue's and even when I say, "NO, thanks," he urges on. Now...unless I am BRUTALLY, bitch-Ima-bout-to-slap-yo-face pissed off it is really hard for me to be outright "bitch mean" to a person. I already feel like I've been a complete jerk to this guy but he just doesn't get it. that I think about it, I've thought about slapping him across the face many times with some of the ridiculously bold things he has said to me so hmm...maybe I need to stop biting my tongue entirely.
Thank goodness I don't live right in San Diego because I swear if I did this guy would seriously stalk me. Show up on my doorstep just-happened-to-be-walking-on-by right when I leave my front door type shit.
So basically from 'Hello' when I answered the phone I was trying to get out of the conversation. In the end, I basically ended up hanging up on him. He started to go on a roll saying ridiculous things and so I said, "Okay, I'm hanging up now," and then I did.
The end.
Creepy creepy creeps.