Mar 27, 2007 21:31
Yeah, so I haven't updated in a long while. I've been rather depressed and then I caught whatever it is my dad brought home for work. Still not well from that. On the 24th I went to the mini sale.
I've gone a couple of times in the past but never bought anything. The horses I liked either went too high or their was nothing I really liked. The sale catalog was posted a few days prior to the sale and I went through and my sister went through it and we made a list. The horses were supposed to be started at 10:30 and we arrived at around 10:00. Three mares had foals at their sides. The 'buckskin' mare had been listed as having a black and white filly at her side and she was on our list. It was a surprise when the buckskin turned out to really be a champagne and the filly wasn't black but champagne too. Other than her feet needing a good trim the mare looked pretty good and the baby acted fine so I didn't look to much at her. We circled around and looked at the other horses that had made our short list. One mare that had been listed as in foal had her baby early and it was a very cute little dun, the mare too was dun though she was listed as a buckskin. I knew she would go high. The other mare that had a foal was nothing special and we passed her over. We figured the champagne would sell for around $1500 to $2000 and we were going to try and bid on her. The horses were supposed to start at 10:30 but didn't start until 12:00. We had to wait through 19 donkeys before the horses and the mare we wanted was lot 1. They tried to start her off at $1200 and when no one bid they dropped to $500. For a while I thought I was going to get her for $700. Then it was $1000 and I bid $1100. I was quiet shocked when they said sold. Went back to check on her and picked the baby up and then noticed she had these little "pink" looking places in her eyes. One side more than the other. The vet came out Monday and said she really didn't know what it was, but felt it was probably congenital. We have her on a steroid ointment that is put in three times a day and hope that the places will shrink. She is a really sweet little foal. We have decided to call her Sparkles ^_^
On another horse note. We have a free rebreed to Capuchino. As soon as Diamondnita goes back in we are going to try and get her in foal. I really hope we can get it done via fedex or same day air. We have decided that she is not going back to FL. So this is the only way to get another baby between those two.
And on a human note. My good friend is getting married in May and I'm going to be a bridesmaid. She's already ordered the dresses and such and they should be here about the middle of April. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I've never actually been in a wedding, just watched. I hope I don't break down and cry like I did when another friend got married. I couldn't hold it together and I don't even know why I was crying. So embarrassing.