The Sickies...

May 03, 2006 10:33

I just have to say how wonderful my husband is. What an awesome man I married. I am one of the most fortunate women ever!

Last night, maeuschen and I were watching Texas Ranch House on PBS. Around 11pm we heard Caleb crying and calling for us. He sounded so scared. I was holding Kaitlyn so maeuschen ran up to see what was the matter. I soon heard maeuschen calling for me and I also came upstairs. AS soon as I looked in the room and saw the way maeuschen was carrying Caleb, I knew what had happened. I put Kaitlyn in her bassinet and went to help clean up. Caleb had thrown up. It's still such a rarity that he was scared. He didn't know what was happening to him. My husband brought him into the bathroom and helped him finish getting sick and cleaned him up while I changed the bedding. We put Caleb back to bed and went to bed ourselves. A couple hours later, Caleb came in and didn't say a word. He went directly to maeuschen and when we repeated our question about if he had to go to the bathroom he started to heave. maeuschen jumped up and quickly brought him to our bathroom where he heaved and threw up. Kaitlyn then woke up around 2am and wanted to eat. So I nursed her and again, we heard him crying. Hubby again went to help him. More sickness. 2 Hours later, Kaitlyn again wanted to eat. I was exhausted, I can only imagine what maeuschen was since he isn't used to getting up in the night. Around 5, almost 6 am when the daylight was just starting to break, We again heard Caleb calling out to us. This time he had started to throw up and out stuff came from the other end! He did that several more times this morning. Kaitlyn was also in our bed sleeping at this time because she kept wanting to eat so I let her while I tried sleeping.

He's only had diarrhea once since maueschen left for work but he was already in the bathroom and was ready. He ate a couple bites of applesauce that maeuschen ran to the store to get along with crackers, chicken noodle soup and Ginger Ale this morning before work. Being in the country now, this is not as fast as it used to be. He had a full glass of Ginger Ale and has been drinking the water. I finally got a hold of a nurse a little after 9am and she said to make sure he can keep down liquids before he tries eating. She said he's at an age where dehydration is easy and fast. I have a sheet covering the couch so it's easy to wash the germs away and he has a pillow and a blanket. I'm trying to keep Kaitlyn away from him as much as possible. Not easy. At least I can keep him from touching her or being in her face. She's upstairs right now in her crib. She's semi-sleeping. Sleeps, wakes, cries a tad, sleeps more. I hope she doesn't get this virus!

So, anyway, as I was saying, my husband is amazing. He took care of Caleb all night and still got up to go to work (although I tried to get him to stay home to help. My first sickness to deal with since Kaitlyn was born and I really don't know how to handle both. Not with her nursing and needing to be held a lot.) I am very fortunate I didn't have to deal with both kids last night. I wouldn't have been able to a couple times when Kaitlyn was nursing while Caleb called out.

Please pray no one else gets sick and that Caleb heals quickly!

husband, kaitlyn, caleb

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